

The directory named unknown in the output directory is populated by NIFTI images that could not be identified. Files in this directory are generally named following this convention: sub-<label>[ses-<label>]_run-<label>_unknown.nii.gz, as shown in the example below (assuming that this study only had one session).

├── sub-001
├── sub-002
├── unknown
|   ├── sub-001_ses-001_run-01_unknown.json
|   ├── sub-001_ses-001_run-01_unknown.nii.gz
|   ├── sub-001_ses-001_run-02_unknown.json
|   └── sub-001_ses-001_run-02_unknown.nii.gz


The .misc directory contains miscellaneous files that pertain to the image conversion process, such as log files (as shown below).

├── sub-001
├── sub-002
├── unknown
    └── convert_source.log


The .bidsignore file is generated and intended for BIDS validation after data conversion. This file acts similarly to the .gitignore file - meaning files that should be ignored in the output BIDS directory should have their filenames written to this file. For example:

# .bidsignore file


The unknown and .misc directories are not BIDS valid directories and as such, would likely throw errors during BIDS validation.